Professional language editing and proofreading services
Copy-Writing offers highly skilled copy editing and proofreading services. Our language editing services and language editors will cater for all your special writing needs – whether business or personal. Let our company transform the quality of all your important documents into exceptional copy that you are truly proud of.
We also offer professional (copy) editing and proofreading services for academic articles and papers, dissertations, and theses.
What we do
Our highly experienced editors and proofreaders combine skill, the highest professional standards, and a genuine understanding of the target market. We use this to deliver an editing and proofreading service that will help ensure the success and recognition that you or your company deserve. We guarantee the high quality of all our services and your confidentiality is assured.
For a detailed summary of all our services and the associated pricing, please click here.
Why us?
The chief editor at Copy-Writing holds a PhD and has more than 30 years of editing and proofreading experience, is a published author, and also a recognised contributor to a wide range of publications both nationally and internationally. For a brief profile of his CV, please click here. The chief editor supervises associate editors, all of whom have a Masters degree or higher. This is invaluable when it comes to working with novel, important and more complex documents. To learn more about our company and its experience please click here.
Copy-Writing has many very satisfied clients and the chief editor has affiliations with both a professional group for editors in South Africa and the South African Translators’ Institute. This confirms our professional status and, importantly, is a form of recourse for all our clients.
Our editing services
We edit and proofread the language of all documents, regardless of topic or length, and whether in hard copy or online. These documents include (among many others):
- Books of all kinds
- Company and business reports of all kinds (including annual and integrated reports)
- Magazine articles
- Manuals and guides
- Marketing material
- Motivational documents
- Newsletters
Plain Language/English overwriting and proofreading
A Plain Language/English rewriting/overwriting service is also available under certain conditions. The cost for this, and for the proofreading, is negotiated with the clients concerned.
Code of ethics
Copy-Writing adheres to a strict code of editing ethics relating to all the services we offer. Please click here for further detail.
We also offer (copy) editing and proofreading services for academic articles/papers, dissertations and theses.
To enjoy our highly competitive rates/charges, fast, efficient service, and our high-quality guarantee – please contact Copy-Writing today!